“Let us not become conceited, or provoke one another, or be jealous of one another.” Gal. 5:26

NOTE FROM DON: As we are focused on “Anothering” and Franklin finishes out the sermon series this weekend, I want to continue this idea in my articles for the coming weeks, looking at some of the “one another” statements that we HAVEN’T touched on from the pulpit! May we ALL be immersed in “Anothering” throughout this year!

There’s an interesting idea in Alaskan fishing cultures-it’s the concept of “crab mentality.” It’s best described, I’m told, by picturing a bunch of crabs all thrown together in one bucket. If one of them tries to escape, the others will pull him back down. Very few ever escape because each one won’t let another get ahead of them. In the end, they all get eaten.

As I was reading about that, I thought, “That’s a perfect picture of ENVY. If I can’t have it…neither can you.” And envy is one of the things that tears down “Anothering.” We all know we are not SUPPOSED to envy…but it’s so easy to do. We see others getting things and we think, “What about ME?”

The Ten Commandments tell us “You shall not covet your neighbor’s wife or servant or his oxen…” I’m pretty sure I’ve never wanted anyone’s oxen, but I can certainly look at someone’s pickup and want it! Or I see people living perfect lives on Instagram, and wonder how that’s not me. Maybe someone is fighting thru daily physical pain but sees others out skiing or at games and that “envy-bug” starts to hit them. I wonder how often a single mom sees a couple together shopping or caring for their kids and says, “Why didn’t that happen for ME?” NONE of these are bad…but they can LEAD to bad thinking!

Our desires always lead us somewhere, whether it’s to destruction or to the Kingdom of God and His Righteousness. So perhaps we need to ask ourselves a tough question: Am I trying to lift others OUT of that bucket…or is my desire for what I WANT dragging me and others away from God’s Kingdom?

When you see moments of envy in your heart, call them out…and then give them over to God. Trust and Surrender are not things we do JUST ONCE! They are evidences of how we are walking with God EVERY DAY! Let your TRUST in God help you to resist envy…and let His Peace give you a place of CONTENTMENT right where you are!

Anotherers are looking for ways to BUILD UP…not tear down! Let’s go be anotherers this week!

Shalom Alachiem, Don

AMP / SPECTRUM Superbowl Party!
Join us Sunday afternoon for our Annual Football Bash at the Campus House!  Kick-Off is at 4:30.  We will have FOOD (including TacoBox and Wienerschnitzel), Fun, Laughter…and togetherness! Make plans to attend! Let Caitlin know if you have any questions.