The City of Portales City Council in a split 4 to 3 vote, voted to issue an amended Stage Two watering schedule at last night’s City Council meeting.  We have been on a Stage 3 water restriction for the better part of a year now.  The discussion centered around the current water crisis which is still very real for Roosevelt County and the fact that if the City was following the State 3 water plan as it was written, we would have in fact been back on Stage Two last year when the tanks reached a safe level.

Our community still faces a water crisis and our Councilors’ are all working together to try and reach solutions and secure resources and revenue to help lessen  the crisis.  This move may lessen the burden to residents however, we are all in this together and need to be very mindful of our water use.


Council Preston Elkins stated, “My motion was to lift the stage three restrictions to a modified stage two; all restrictions for stage two remain the same, except for the watering of yards. Residents are allowed to water one time per week between the hours of 9:00 pm and 7:00 am. Odd addresses on Monday, even addresses on Thursday. ”  

While it might seem to some to be a burden to wait until 9:00 pm to water, it is a very responsible water saving technique to still preserve your yard.   There are multiple benefits from watering in the late evening.  

1. Helps plants recover from a heat wave

The main benefit of watering at night after a long hot day is to help your plants to recover. Plants can dry, their leaves can burn and they can divert water from the leaves to the stems and roots. This can cause the plant leaves to droop in the heat.

Your plant will thank you for a long drink after a long, hot day.

2. Gives your plants more time to absorb the water

Watering at night actually gives your plants’ roots more time to absorb water. During the day, particularly when it is warm the water can evaporate quickly from the surface of the soil. Watering at night gives your plant a chance to absorb the water before it evaporates.

3. Plants need less water

Watering at night can actually save you water because it is absorbed well by the plant so you will need to add less. While water added in the morning evaporates out of the soil quickly on a hot day you plant will have a full 8 hours to absorb a night time water.

4. Water will reach the deep roots

Watering at night is a great way to give the water time to reach the deeper areas of the soil and the deeper roots. As the soil stays cool the water can slowly soak down to the lower layers of soil and encourage the plant to send deep roots down and increase its stability.

5. Water will evaporate off the soil slower

Watering at night will reduce the rapid evaporation that can happen when the sun is out. Watering when the sun is lower in the sky at the end of the day will give your plants a chance to get the water they need.

6. Avoids water sitting on the leaves can burning the plant

Leaving water on the leaves after watering during the day can cause leaf burn. The water droplets can reflect light and cause the leaves to burn even quicker. The plant will naturally divert water away from the leaf ends on a hot day causing the leaves to droop.

This is a natural process the plant uses to protect itself. At the end of the day if you give your plant a good water, the leaves will stand back up and your plant will be ready to face another warm day.   A timer on your hose or your sprinkler system will help you achieve a watering schedule that will maximize the use of your water and your dollars!

Stage Two restrictions that are still in effect. 

Car washing : Anytime if bucket or shut-off hose is used.

Water runoff from sprinkler systems, washing down pavement, sidewalks, PROHIBITED.

Ornamental fountains : Allowed only if water is recirculating.