Your local governments and business organizations are working hard in multiple layers to continue to pressure the Governor’s Office and NM Health Dept. to consider reopening certain areas like ours with lower outbreaks of COVID-19.

County Manager Amber Hamilton has been engaged with the NM Association of Counties in that effort and has asked the Chamber for help getting constructive input from our members. Please read her email below. We would especially like responses to that first question.

Also, if you haven’t done it already, please complete the Chamber’s online survey about how the pandemic and Governor’s shutdown has affected your business. We will be using this in efforts going forward with the NM Chamber Executives and the NM Association of Commerce and Industry. That survey will also be utilized by Roosevelt County and City of Portales efforts.

Karl Terry, Executive Director
Roosevelt County Chamber of Commerce
100 S. Avenue A
Portales, NM 88130
(575) 356-8541 or (800) 635-8036


Amber Hamilton
Roosevelt County Manager
We just wrapped up a conference call with the Governor and New Mexico Counties and I wanted to share some highlights:
1. The Governor would like to hear from our local businesses. If we could compile a document of testimonials from small businesses (3-5 sentences) on how this has impacted them, we could start there.
She also wants to know what they are willing to do. Are they willing/able to provide facemasks? Will they require facemasks worn by all customers and staff? Do they have capacity for some type of metering/limits as to customer capacity?
Can they offer curbside pick-up or delivery?
2. The Governor also expressed concern with getting the hourly/entry workers to want to go back to work before August as many of them are making more on unemployment now with the federal subsidy. She referenced data showing these workers were concerned with safety.
3. The state is considering a NM PPP program and could consider that during the upcoming special session.

Here is a link to the NM Business Coalition’s plan that most counties have referenced or endorsed as it seems like a solid plan?
I believe this could be something we could work on for Roosevelt County and hopefully further assist all our local businesses. I welcome your feedback and thoughts as always, and again wanted to make sure I shared the information.

Warmest regards,

Amber Hamilton
Roosevelt County Manager

109 W. 1st • Portales, NM 88130
P. 575.356.5307
F. 575.356.8307