Roosevelt County residents recently attended a Farm and Ranch Wildfire Awareness Seminar that was conducted with the joint effort of the Elida and Floyd Fire Departments.  “After the loss of life, livestock and property that recently took place in Texas, the goal was to have our county as prepared as possible to avoid such a devastating loss” , according to Darrell Chenault.  Representatives from Portales Fire Department, Elida Fire Department and Floyd Fire Department were on hand to assist in the presentation to 120 county residents.  David Cunningham, District Representative for the State Forest Department was one of the key speakers.

Farm and Ranch Wildfire Awareness
When there is a fire…
• Priorities: 1) Life 2) Home 3) Livestock 4) Land
• What can you do?
o Call 911:
o be specific about which fire department you need
o Give directions and a good description (name of ranch, intersecting roads, etc.
o Make sure you give your name and phone number
• If you decide to fight the fire…….
o 1st priority is your life
o Begin at point of origin
o Be aware of possible wind change-back off and get out
o Park vehicles in the black
o Fight fire from the black
o Turn on your vehicle lights
o Get with the fire department and share information about the land-let us  know if you are using equipment and where you are
o Stay in your vehicle and drive through the flames to get to the black
o Neighbors help neighbors
What we are going to do….
• We are volunteers so it will take some time to get there
• We also determine hazards
• We have the same priorities as you
• Communication (not always perfect)
• Sometimes we are in a no win situation
• We may have to cut fences and use road graders
Prevention before fires….
• Be your own fire department
• Life
o Your life and family is most important
o Have a plan to prevent fires, and a plan of where to go and what to do in case of fires
• Home
o Look around
o Trim trees
o Clear weeds
o Mow and graze grass short
o Cut fire guards
o Stack fire wood away from your house
o Create a man-made barrier
o Clean around burn barrel area and us a cover
o Put fireplace ashes in a covered container outside
o Be extremely careful when using a BBQ grill
o Check high line wires for frayed wires, leaning poles, crows nests….contact RCEC
o Check electric fences
o Check out-buildings for rat’s nests
o Be cautious when using welding/ cutting torches
o Keep vehicles and equipment in good repair
o Have a fire extinguisher in your vehicle and in your home
o Have a control burn when necessary contact the fire department to let them know and for input
• Livestock
o Have a plan for your livestock
o Designate pens/pastures
• Property
o Cut fire guards
o Control burns
o Be on the look-out when storms are coming
o Use your resources: cattle sprayer, portable pump and tank
Contact Numbers
Elida Fire Department: Darrell Chenault 575-760-0601
Floyd Fire Department: Darwin Chenault  575-760-6967
Roosevelt County Electric Coop: 575-356-4491