What made you decide to run for office?

  1. I decided to make my bid for County Commissioner in District 2 as I was not happy with the way the City and County were unable to resolve issues as a partnership. I also believe that some of our elected officials are not studying the issues and asking for constituent input before casting their crucial vote.  I believe there is a great opportunity to rebuild a successful partnership with the city of Portales with the new councilors and commissioners that have and will be taking Office very soon as well as the existing members of both factions. There are multiple issues plaguing Roosevelt County and the city of Portales such as, (Water, Roads, Public safety, lack of growth and industry, low capitol outlay disbursements, as well as lack of transparency).  I have lived in Roosevelt County for 51 years and worked for and with the county for most of my adult life.  I know the people of Roosevelt County and believe I know what they want.  I have served on numerous boards for the benefit of the county and believe my experience will make me a productive member of the Board of Commission from day one if elected.  There are a lot of very knowledgeable people within our county, and I believe we need to involve our citizens in a lot of the decisions facing us.


  1. How well do you believe you know the U.S. Constitution?  The NM Constitution?

Well first off, I would like to say that even though I stand in complete support of the U.S. constitution and what it represents as the supreme law of our country, I think the bible is the Supreme law of our universe.  Having said that I have learned a lot about the constitution through my previous career, and although I can’t quote it word for word by a long stretch, I do know how to reference it.  I believe that when making any decision regarding the lives of constituents that we as well as the attorneys hired to represent us should be consulting the U.S. and N.M. Constitution first.  We should not look for ways to bypass either for convenience.  I believe much of what is failing in our country today is because of failure to look to our forefathers for advice.  Think of where we are today as a society as opposed to what the makeup of our environment was in history.


  1. What is the role of government in general?


I could give you the Google version, but I won’t. I think the government has since stepped way outside the boundaries of that.  The perfect government to me would be an entity that is transparent, manages our tax dollars to its fullest potential, kept the constitution in mind for every decision made.  Serves the people not the pocketbook. And does not allow billionaires or corporations and their money to have a say in the matter because of donations.  I have had people call me because of previous campaign donations and ask for favors (while reminding me of their contributions).  I am proud to say that I have told every single one that their donation did not buy a favor and that I would not sacrifice the integrity of myself or family for their contribution.  I have won and lost supporters because of this.  Too many people who want to make more money are using politicians like puppets to get what they want.  BY THE PEOPLE FOR THE PEOPLE!


What do you believe are the most important attributes of a candidate?  Integrity and character or ability and experience to do the job?


  1. I believe the two go hand in hand. You need someone who has strong integrity and good moral character as well as someone who has the ability and experience to do the job.  Very simply put to me a long time ago.  You would not want to go to a heart surgeon for a major surgery if no one knew them, or knew about their moral standing, work ethic, or training or experience.  I know it’s not the same but they both affect the life you live.  It’s a shame not everyone looks for all these values when picking our representatives.


  1. How much should an elected servant be available to his/her constituents?  How do you plan to make yourself available?

As the former head law enforcement agent for Roosevelt County, I kept my phone 24 hrs. a day seven days a week.  (Drove my wife crazy).  I take the responsibility extremely serious.  I think there are boundaries that people should realize and understand, but also believe that if you want the position, you should make yourself available and I plan on being available if elected!


  1. What kinds of things (activities, events, organizations, etc) have you been a part of or have supported up until now?

I have been a fair board member, Avid outdoorsman and NRA member, Sat on the board of directors for NM association of counties, Commissioned as a federal agent for the Drug Enforcement Administration, Member of Major crimes unit for the 9th judicial district. Regular participant for the Roosevelt County Junior Livestock auction, and have lobbied for and against issues that relate to quality of life and freedom in Roosevelt County, in Santa Fe.


  1. Whenever you have to make difficult decisions, what process do you normally go through to reach that decision?

A difficult decision for me requires thought on the following.  How is this going to affect others?  What will be the outcome? What are the long-term results? (Pros and Cons) Is this financially, correct? Is this morally Right? Is this legal and constitutional? Did I ask questions of those that have been there done that before me?  And if I still am having a hard time, Prayer!


  1. What should the relationship be between elected officials and the People?

The same as if you were not the elected official.  Humble enough to know there are people in our community with more knowledge on certain issues than you and smart enough to know when to ask for help, Kind and cordial even when people are mad and disrespectful, Respectful of anyone’s time and effort.




  1. If you encounter angry constituents, publicly or privately, how will you handle that situation?

I have had experience in this matter and have learned from my mistakes and successes.  I will try my best to diffuse and calm them, then address the situation (depending on severity) if the situation calls for a more private setting, I will attempt that.  If that person is so angry, I will give them my number and ask them to call me or set up a meeting when they have calmed themselves enough to talk and walk away!  The worst thing you can do is wash your hands of an angry constituent or match their anger.  Give them the opportunity to meet with you when calmer heads prevail. And always remember, people just want to be heard.



  1. What line would the state government have to cross before you believe it would be your duty to make a stand?  Or do you believe making a stand is the right course of action?  Why or why not?

I do believe that making a stand is extremely important.  I think Covid is the perfect example (despite the very serious affect it has had on our population), and believe it was a test on the American people to understand what we would put up with!  If you think back, they tried to force us to wear a mask, even when the “SCIENCE” proved they would not work.  They forced businesses to close; they shamed people in to taking a vaccine that was not properly tested and had no idea of the long-term affect.  They tried to encompass gun control as a matter of “public health Safety”.  They even told us we could not go to church and worship our creator and his son the savior.  (all very serious violations of our rights).  The current government is in my opinion the worst of the worst as they have divided Americans more than the history of Americans have ever endured.  If you think about it, if we the people had just said NO there is really nothing, they could have done except make empty idle threats.  The constitution of the United States of America was written to stop these exact scenarios from happening.  We have become a nation of rule followers and acceptance of whatever the government says is right (and the elite billionaires funding the campaigns).  I do not believe our current federal and some local administrators even consider the constitution when following unconstitutional mandates.  WE ARE FREE TO LIVE OUR LIVES WITHOUT FEAR OF OUR OWN GOVERNMENT interfering with life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness. If ever there were a time to make a stand, now, is it!!




If elected, what will be some of the things you’ll do between the election and when you take office?

If elected I will continue to follow the County and City meetings to make sure I am ready to start the job from day 1.  I will continue to actively engage the citizens for feedback on current situations.


What are the three most important issues facing Roosevelt/New Mexico and how do you plan to address those?

  1. I am proud to say, that it is my understanding that the city and county have reached an agreement that all city and county services that have been in contention for the last 3 years, have been settled and that Dispatch services, animal control, detention, fire and EMS services are resolved. I have heard that they finally reached an agreement to go back to the way it was for as long as I can remember.  I’m just not sure why it took so long to settle.  We are one community!  We are neighbors! We have got to work together!  Having said that I believe our priorities now are getting involved with the water crisis, (again we are all neighbors), Our roads are a shameful mess, and I think the commission, and city council needs to be as transparent as they can be within the confines of the law.  And I know this is well beyond three, but I believe we must do better at getting our tax dollars back to Roosevelt County in the form of capitol outlay money by smart lobbying.  I also believe we must start figuring out a way to attract growth and industry to Roosevelt/Portales.  Every time I drive through Clovis they have added or are adding new business and growth.  Meanwhile our taxes and rates are going up and we are actively turning away new people.  Why?  We are all drinking out of the same glass!



If you could look into the future five years from now, what do you want Roosevelt/New Mexico to be like?

  1. I want Roosevelt County to grow, I want our businesses thriving, I want taxes to go down because the gross receipt taxes are going up. I want our bar ditches and alleys clean; and our community pride to evolve.  I want to drive into Roosevelt County/Portales and be proud of how well we take care of our community.  I want to see City/county government working in a unified effort to achieve these goals.  I want to see a viable solution to our water problems.  I want to be an example for other communities to follow!!


Who was your childhood mentor and why?  Who has had the greatest impact on your life as an adult and why?  Either can be someone you know personally, a historical figure, etc.

  1. Tough Question! I must lay groundwork here.  I grew up extremely poor but had two parents that loved me dearly.  Having said that in the younger years of my life I can say no one really expected much out of me nor did I, and I understand why.  When I got to high school I was in a bad crowd, and I was actively going the wrong way in life.  I even had one of my high school teachers tell me I would never be anything in life and that the best I could count on was being in and out of jail or working as a minimum wage employee.  (I respect anyone that has a job and contributes).  But then I elected to take an AG Class because everyone told me they teach actual skills.  When I attended AG class I met this different kind of fellow named Rod Savage.  One day, when I’m sure I was disrupting his class and he was probably tired of dealing with me, he reached into his pocket and pulled the keys to his brand-new pickup out of his pocket and threw them to me.  He said, “Malin, I need you to go take care of these animals” and gave me the location.  In disbelief that this man was entrusting me with his brand-new vehicle and these animals, alone, without supervision, I felt a strong desire to prove to him that I was the man for the job, and he could count on me.  This man went on to buy me a hog, because my family could not afford one, just to get me involved with livestock showing.  He talked to all his students with respect, and paddled our butts when we messed up.   He taught me parliamentary procedure, livestock judging, and how a man should treat another man despite me being only 15 years old.  In short, his simple respectful actions to a poor boy going in the wrong direction, changed my course of life and I shall never forget him.  I have not always agreed with his decisions in the political realm but credit this man for changing the course of my life in a positive way.  I feel much the same way about David Sanders and two of his sons Don, and Dave.  I worked on Sanders farms for most of my high school days and they also treated me with respect and taught me the value of hard work to achieve my goals.  (Even after I accidentally set the barn on fire)!

AS an adult I would have to say my brothers!  They were hard working, driven to their goals, and achieving them faster than I was.  I was proud of their accomplishments and wanted to be more like them and prosper as they were.  So, I adopted their work ethic.  And it worked.  And finally, my wife.  Her and her father pushed me beyond what I felt I was capable of.  But I soon realized that whatever I wanted was there to be had if I was willing to put in the work to get it!  My entire family, Wife, daughter, son-in law, my precious grandbabies, mother, brothers, and neighbors, are what now drives me to keep helping and serving for the better of our community.