God Loves You Most

by Ted Simons

If you have (or have had) a child, you know that consistency is key. Especially for bed time. So each night we make sure that before the kiddo goes to bed, we have our routine. We do kisses and prayers together, then it’s to her room for story time and to bed. We read Goodnight Moon (which I really don’t care for because it makes me tired, too) and a story from her Bible. But the most important thing is at the end as we put her to sleep. Each night we make sure to tell her, “Momma loves you. Daddy loves you. God loves you most.”

You see, no matter how much I love my daughter she needs to know the truth – I simply cannot love her as much as He does. Especially right now in the toddler stage of, “I want that. NO I DON’T WHAT ARE YOU DOING WHY ARE YOU GIVING ME THAT” stage. Drives me nuts. Or when she starts giving me sass (yes, the sass is strong with this one) for no particular reason. Just recently as we were driving to visit family she threw a fit because she wanted to eat inside the McDonalds. When she finally calmed down we asked, “Do you want a cracker?” She said yes and then no sooner did we start to extend the cracker to her did she lose her mind.

I love my daughter. I don’t want there to be any confusion on that. But those times are hard. I’ve heard from pretty much everyone that she’s growing fine, that her fits are normal, etc. My wife loves to ‘comfort’ me with the statement of “Just wait till she gets to be a teenager!” I love my daughter, but God loves her most.

If you are reading this, know that you are loved. Maybe you’re loved by your family. Maybe you’re loved by a fiancé, your church family, etc. But no matter what, God loves you most of all. Because throughout history He is patient and is constantly seeking out His people. When Hosea’s wife leaves him to go into prostitution, God eventually tells Hosea to seek her back out to show the people an example of God’s love for His children. You are loved by so many in this community, but God loves you most.

Third and Kilgore Church of Christ

9:00 a.m.
Bible Classes
10:00 a.m.
Worship Service
5:00 p.m.
Evening Service
Afternoon/Evening Life Group Meetings
7:00 p.m.
Devotional, Adult and
Children’s Bible Classes

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1701 East Third Street
Portales, NM 88130