Meet Bill Hendrickson: Community Development Director for Roosevelt County

by: Kate Sanchez

Roosevelt County has a new Community Development Director! William (Bill) Hendrickson started work on Monday, April 30, and says that both he and his wife, Kathy, are very excited to participate in community happenings.
Hendrickson is no stranger to this sort of job; he worked as the Executive Director for Economic Development for three years in Las Vegas, NM, prior to getting hired for this position. Doing work like that which he’ll do in his current, role, Hendrickson was on the Board of the Northeast Economic Development Organization, and the North Central New Mexico Economic Development District. Prior to that, he worked for companies such as Lockheed Martin and G.E, in a variety of places like NM, FL, and the Middle East (Kuwait), primarily in the field of Programs Operations Management.

Hendrickson is eager to begin work under the Roosevelt County Community Development Corporation (RCCDC). “This is a many faceted job, and the one reason why I like doing it”, he says, “You get to help folks who have dreams of owning their own business get started or expanding a business that is ready to take the next step.” The job also entails things such as marketing of the area to attract new businesses, as well as aiding in the development of the city to make it a great place to work and live: a huge factor in keeping workers in the area and bringing those back who have left.

When asked about his biggest goals as Community Development Director, Hendrickson says the existing enthusiasm about the area makes for lots of greatness to be achieved. Again, he emphasizes the importance of keeping money in the community, helping young people start successful businesses, and helping existing businesses grow while producing jobs in the needed fields. Hendrickson sees a lot of potential in the agriculture and renewable energy industries in the area. And although he says the agriculture portion is a new venture for him, he is anxious to learn more about it, and meet the key people involved in the industry. Similarly, he strongly feels that the energy aspect of the community will continue to be a critical portion to the equation, where good paying jobs can be created. “Another aspect of working on projects here is the ability to help retail businesses”, Hendrickson says, “This is new for me and knowing how critical it is to keep money in the community, rather than seeing it go elsewhere is a great challenge.”

Hendrickson was born on Long Island in NY and moved to Florida when his father started work at Cape Canaveral during the moon program. He got his first degree in Geology and was later able to finish his MBA and worked in management. He then ran a computer business until offered a position to manage a facility southing of Deming, NM, an Air Force contract for drug interdiction, in 2002. In 2006, he was offered a position in Kuwait, where he and his wife lived until 2014, and then moved back to Las Vegas, NM. Hendrickson enjoys being part of a tight-knit community and has previously been a member of both the Kiwanis and Rotary and says he’s looking forward to learning more about these clubs that are offered locally. In his spare time, he enjoys riding his motorcycle and calls NM “a rider’s dream…a great photo-op”!

More than anything, Hendrickson wants people of the area to know that his door is open. “We both feel so fortunate to be here and the welcoming could not be any better”, he says. The new director will try to get “out and about” as much as possible to let people know that he’s here to help. “…This is not just a challenge for Portales or Roosevelt County, but it is all small or rural towns…we are in short supply of entrepreneurs. Becoming one is not for the faint of heart”, Hendrickson adds. The RCCDC has access to many resources to aid in this area both locally and through state services, so he hopes everyone knows that they are there to help. “We have the ability to support those who wish to venture into business and make it less scary to do so…if you have an idea stop by and let’s talk”, he says.
Please help us welcome Bill and Kathy Hendrickson to the community! We are anxious to see all the great things they do for Roosevelt County!