To all our wonderful friends and neighbors in Roosevelt County, Merry Christmas from RCR4ALL!

As we inch closer and closer to celebrating Christmas, I just wanted to share with you something that has been in my heart today:
This past year has not been without shock, insanity, and outright fear. We continue to watch as foot soldiers for Marxist theology systematically attempt to tear down our Constitution and foundational principles to radically transform our nation into what it was never meant to be.

Quite frankly, this has gone way past a simple Republican and Democrat arena. People with questionable or evil agendas have far transcended that quite some time ago. It’s even become increasingly difficult to know who is a true “Republican” and who isn’t anymore. As Americans from sea to shining sea, we used to be a people bound by core principles and solid values that were predicated on the Bible.

Differences of opinion used to be more about taxation, foreign policy, and other “basics” that may have affected the lives of Americans, but never completely changed them.

Now we are divided over whether or not a woman can kill her preborn child. Should a child be able to permanently and horrifically mutilate his or her own body without the parent’s knowledge much less consent? Should perversion not only be out in public but in the faces of small children? Should the government be our god and decide for us what car we drive, what our children are taught in schools, what land we can have, or if we must have man-made chemicals pumped through our bodies against our will? Should we have our God-given right to protect ourselves, our families, and our property ripped from us in the name of “peace and security”? That is the America we are living in today.

As much as I could go on with all that assails us right now, I choose to focus on this instead:
Do not be afraid. I bring you good news that will cause great joy for all the people. Today in the town of David a Savior has been born to you; he is the Messiah, the Lord.”

That scripture today brings me so much hope! At the time when Jesus was born, Israel faced very difficult times, too. Hardship, persecution, injustice . . . yet God sent them hope by saying – Don’t be afraid. Jesus is here.

No matter what the days, weeks, and all of 2024 hold for us, let us choose to remember that we really do have Good News! No matter what. Jesus commanded us to “occupy until I come”. And we will. We will defend and advance the Kingdom of God by fighting for the beacon of hope and freedom America has always been in this very present darkness. Because if we don’t, what else is there? It is a good fight of faith, and God is only pleased with faith.

Embrace this season even more. Pull your children and your loved ones in even closer. Shut the clamor of the world for one day and choose to think on something very different. And be incredibly grateful that we still live in the greatest nation in human history. We may face some dark days, but His Light and His Truth always prevail.

We are hard pressed on every side, but not crushed; perplexed, but not in despair; 9 persecuted, but not abandoned; struck down, but not destroyed . . . 16 . . . Therefore, we do not lose heart. 2 Corinthians 4

Merry, Merry Christmas
Angie Smith