Written by: Jaymi Firestone

When searching for the perfect Mother’s Day card, you may find sentiments like “A mother is a friend” or “a mother is a role model,” but what about, “a mother is a business partner?” For me, that is no sentiment. It is reality.

Because the blend of personal and professional relationships is so intriguing, I was asked to share our story with you. It’s a glimpse into how we’ve turned an intimate personal relationship into a successful business partnership.

When it comes to family-owned businesses, fathers and sons have long been considered the classic entrepreneurial team. But there have been mother-daughter businesses popping up in all areas of the United States now. I think the success in this is due to the bond that a mother has with her daughter. It’s unparalleled to any other.

I couldn’t imagine partnering with anyone else. Partnerships can be challenging, but we have been partners since I was born.

To understand the dynamic of this partnership, we need to rewind back to where this partnership began.

“One of the most important relationships we have is the relationship we have with our mothers.”

– Iyanla Vanzant

My mom, Pam, and I have always enjoyed “projects.” I use quotations, because that word has endless meanings for us. We’ve repurposed wooden furniture, turned a storm door into a rustic masterpiece, and made beautiful homemade Christmas ornaments by hand to name just a few.

Creativity is a trait that I received from her. I jokingly thank her for those genes all the time. It’s allowed me to have a creative career as a graphic designer, which began paving the way for what would become our very own business success story.

Like many other entrepreneurial stories, ours started with a hobby. Originally, we were just having fun, but it wasn’t long after that we realized we may have created a business we weren’t even expecting to have.

That is where Hot Rock Design Co. was born.

Our small-town t-shirt and design business has not only allowed us to spend more time together, but it’s become something we thoroughly enjoy.

My hesitation was the possibility of interpersonal issues, but we don’t have any. I think that is attributed to the fact that we’ve been learning each other for 32 years.

“Jaymi’s creativity and knowledge of graphic design continues to impress and surprise me.”

– Pam Firestone

What makes it work is the communication and delegation of specific jobs. I do all designing, manage our social media accounts, and handle inventory and product ordering. She keeps track of completed and current orders, manages finances, and most importantly, keeps everything organized and running smoothly.

There are some duties we share, like taking orders and actually producing the shirts into finished products. We love what we do, so there isn’t much of a need to separate business and relationship. Our relationship is what makes this business work. The key is respect, joy, and roles defined by personal strengths and interests.

We love making t-shirts and my mom jokingly says she has found her retirement job. We anticipate continuing to create one-of-a-kind products for people in the area for years to come. As long as it continues to be enjoyable, we will continue to create!

The possibilities are endless, and we are so grateful to be able to provide personalized shirts (and other products) to the amazing people of this area.

We are thrilled to be partnering with The Roosevelt Review to offer Limited Edition shirts to Roosevelt County! Below is the first of several shirt designs we will be offering.

The cost is $20/shirt in sizes Youth Small to Adult 4X. Toddler shirts are available upon specific request. It is available in the following colors only.

If you’d like to order one or have any questions. Please contact us at hotrockdesign@gmail.com or visit our Facebook Page by clicking HERE.