Dairy MAX’s “Dairy Up Close” video series connects consumers
with real stories of real farm families


GRAND PRAIRIE, Texas – June 10, 2020 – For today’s consumer who is over three generations removed from farming, seeing behind-the-scenes of where their food comes from is exactly what they are looking for. Dairy MAX is releasing a new mini-documentary video series aiming to give people just that – a look into the real stories of local dairy farmers and how they care for their land, animals and communities.


The series, “Dairy Up Close,” launches in June as a part of Dairy MAX’s National Dairy Month Celebration and will be promoted on Hulu and YouTube. The series follows the lives and stories of five local dairy farm families from central and east Texas to the Panhandle plains and eastern New Mexico. Their unique challenges and personal journeys intertwine with the daily aspects of dairy farming, helping viewers understand the shared passion we all have in common to make the best choices for our families and future generations.


The series launches at a time when sustainability, shared values and transparency are more relevant than ever to dairy’s target consumer groups of Millennials and Gen Z.


“85% of consumers expect companies to invest in sustainability in the next year,” said Kaci Creel, Dairy MAX vice president of corporate communications.

“The great news is that dairy farmers have been focused on sustainability for decades. Connecting consumers with the sustainable efforts of our dairy farmers and the nutritional value that dairy brings has never been more important.”


Millennials and Gen Z heavily impact the ever-evolving consumer marketplace with a mindset of being environmentally conscious, purpose-driven and the first to try new food products. Gen Z alone has a spending power of $143 billion and are “digital natives”, meaning they don’t remember a time without the internet and get most of their information from social media.


To meet this next generation of consumers where they are, dairy checkoff has shifted advertising strategies from traditional to digital by targeting through social media, blogs, influencer campaigns and streaming TV based on their interests. Dairy MAX uses these digital channels to share recipes, farm family stories, sustainability facts and nutrition information – reaching more than 31 million last year.


“Sustainability is not a new story for us, but one that we must tell in a relevant way. By kicking off our Dairy Up Close campaign we hope to connect not only the role dairy farmers play in a sustainable food system but in feeding communities and the world,” said Creel.


See the stories at DairyUpClose.com.

About Dairy MAX

Founded more than 40 years ago, Dairy MAX is one of the leading regional dairy councils in America – representing more than 900 dairy farmers and serving communities in eight states: Colorado, southwest Kansas, Louisiana, Montana, New Mexico, western Oklahoma, Texas and Wyoming. A nonprofit organization, Dairy MAX is part of a nationwide effort to promote American agriculture, support dairy farming and drive impact for every dairy farmer. The organization operates five audience outreach programs: business development, consumer marketing, health and wellness, industry image and relations and school marketing. For more information about Dairy MAX and its team of experts, visit DairyMAX.org. Dairy resources and delicious recipes are available at DairyDiscoveryZone.com.