By Amanda Cater

Tensions were high. Confusion and uncertainties filled the air when the board members met tonight. The hot topic was setting Portales schools into a four day school session starting in the Fall of 2021. Nothing has been normal so to say, since the global pandemic, COVID-19, struck and completely changed our lives, making our new normal anything but.

From virtual learning to hybrid learning, then to in-person learning, our school systems have been fumbling to do their best to do what is best for our children and the community.

The entire Portales school district has been diligently working to maintain the cleanliness of the schools, but one parent did bring up a very valid concern… what chemicals are they using to clean? Kids touch everything! We do not know what chemicals they are using to clean these schools and/or what effects it could have on our children. The parental units should be aware of what chemical agents are being used to clean the schools, because most children have allergies and most of those chemicals, if not used properly, can have harmful lasting effects. This mother and all other parental units have the right to know.

Which leads us to another hot topic, transparency. Most of the room felt a lack of transparency from the board, like there was a mass amount of miss communication. Going to a four day a week educational calendar for a bigger school like Portales would be a big scary step, but not impossible. Mondays would probably not be a feasible day off, Fridays would possibly be better, but the biggest issue is the unknown due to the COVID-19 pandemic. We are all just trying to get back to a new normal and this was the biggest topic discussion, which led to many questions left unanswered for both sides. Smaller schools such as Elida, Dora and Floyd who are on a four day a week educational calendar seem to make it work, but can a bigger school such as Portales make it happen?

Although, the school board is doing their very best for our children. The tensions seemed to simmer down a bit when the session came to an end, but there was still an uneasy feeling that filled the air. Moving forward into a new school year with the new normal is not going to be easy. It is going to be filled with many new adventures for us all and with better communications on both sides, so much can be accomplished.

After the school boards consideration and vote, Portales Schools are going to stay a 5 day school week.  Many parents were all for the four day week and others were not to thrilled about the idea,  however the decision has been made and we can move on to the next Board of Education Meeting that will be May, 10th, 2021 at 6:00 pm.