CLOVIS, NEW MEXICO — Llano Sativa and Elevar Business Advisors are proud to present the First Annual Curry County Cannabis Conference at Clovis Civic Center (801 Schepps Blvd. Clovis, NM) on Tuesday, October 26, 2021 from 8:30 AM to 5:30 PM. 

This conference is touted as a business-to-business marketing event. Guests will be speaking on different panels about different topics — legal issues, accounting, and data that are relevant to service providers and the growers.

This business meeting is for anyone wanting to learn more about this “growing” industry in New Mexico. If you are a cannabis producer, retailer, entrepreneur, real estate agent, accountant, lawyer, manufacturer, regulator, service/equipment provider, elected official or just interested in knowing more about cannabis sales, production, etc. in New Mexico, we invite you to join us for this event. 

Brian Rogers of Llano Sativa, a host of the event explains, “Clovis is on the eastern side of the state, about midway between Albuquerque and Las Cruces. If you had a grow operation here, you’d be about midway between the two main markets. We’re also on the doorstep of the border with Texas, and if you take Amarillo and Lubbock and add up those two cities and all the other little cities in the area, you get about 550,000 people. Of those 550,000 people, a decent percentage of them will drive to Curry County to purchase cannabis. So, if you had a grow operation here, you would be able to supply and service, potentially, a very large market of people.

There is a lot of relatively cheap land available. We get a lot of sun and if you have a greenhouse, that equates to a lot of products. A lot of the key factors that you need, whether it’s a market to sell into, whether it’s the labor force or infrastructure or cheap land—it’s all here.

Our cannabis conference is for any person that’s interested in getting into this industry. There will be no cannabis for sale. There’s no smoking. It’s a business-to-business marketing and education conference.”

If you are interested in attending this informative event, please visit for information and tickets.