May is American Stroke Awareness Month.

Do you know what the signs of a stroke are?

Just think FAST – 
Face dropping 
Arm weakness 
Speech difficulty 
Time to call 911!!

Eighty percent of strokes are preventable

Every year, 55,000 more women than men have strokes. But 80% of strokes ARE preventable. That means the vast majority of stroke deaths and disabilities never have to happen. Learn how to keep your blood pressure under control to reduce your stroke risk.

The high blood pressure infographic below explains how high blood pressure can damage blood vessels in the brain, increasing the chances of strokes from clots or ruptures. Sharing the information in the graphic can give your loved ones and community a clear understanding why controlling blood pressure is so important.

If you have high blood pressure, or are getting close to having it, contact us at Women’s Medical Center. We can help you with ways to keep your blood pressure under control.

Call today for an appointment and for more information – (575) 762-8055