Flu Season Precautions

As flu cases across the state and in our community increase, RGH Clinic is taking a few precautions to protect our visitors and our patients. As of Tuesday, January 23, 2018, RGH Clinic primary care providers are only seeing acute (severe) patients with flu like symptoms. All regularly scheduled well visits will be rescheduled for a later date. Dr. Lingala and Eva Toelle, NP patients will still be seen and will be asked to move to a separate waiting room to help limit any exposure to acute patients.

We also want to encourage you to take various preventative measures to keep you and your family members healthy. Good hand hygiene is extremely important, especially after visiting high traffic public places such as a grocery store or school. Cover your cough and sneeze to avoid spreading any germs to those around you. Seek medical care as soon as you begin experiencing any flu like symptoms. If you do make a visit to a clinic during this flu season, wear a mask and limit the number of people you bring with you especially young children or elderly family members. If you have not gotten your flu shot this season, it is still highly recommended.

Roosevelt General Hospital and RGH Clinic want you and your loved ones to remain healthy throughout flu season and the entire year. Continue to check our website and Facebook pages for updates and tips. For immediate questions or concerns please call us at 575.359.1800

Check out website for latest news – Roosevelt General Hospital Clinic