I just wanted to touch base with everyone now that our state’s response to the COVID-19 outbreak has been heightened.

Like many of you, our office closed beginning yesterday morning. Our staff is working at home to share information and resources with our members and our community. In addition we’ve participated in multiple online meetings with state and national officials through events set up through New Mexico Association of Commerce and Industry and New Mexico Chamber Executives. More of those meetings are planned so please let us know what you need us to advocate for on your behalf. Your feedback by email or phone is important right now. My cell phone number is (575) 309-7541, email is karlterry@portales.com

During this time we will continue publishing our weekly Memo that is emailed to over 700 member reps. Right now this communication tool will be used to get out the word about how you are doing business with your customers and if you have flyers or news releases you need to share there or on our Facebook feed we will do that for you.

Finally, we know the closure and mandates we’re under right now is severely impacting our businesses and we want you to have the tools to navigate through this time. We are sharing those types of information in our “news” section on portales.com and we have set up a portion of our homepage (about halfway down) to contain direct links to those resources.

Stay strong and remain kind to everyone.

Karl Terry, Executive Director
Roosevelt County Chamber of Commerce
100 S. Avenue A
Portales, NM 88130
(575) 309-7541 cell