‘Tis the season for thousands of children all over the world to sit down and write their annual letters to the most famous resident of the North Pole. For centuries,the jolly old man has been receiving letters from hopefuls awaiting a special delivery to be found early on Christmas morning in return for their good behavior. Some kids of Curry & Roosevelt County participated this year by writing their very own letters to the guy in the big red suit.

And this year, Santa wanted to share them. So with no further ado, here is what the kids around the area have to say to Jolly Old St. Nick this year:

It looks like there have been a lot of good girls and boys this year, so Santa has a lot of houses to deliver to on Christmas Eve! The spirit of Christmas goes far beyond the belief in a jolly, old guy in a sleigh led by 8 reindeer though.

You see, Santa is more than a fabled man who resides in the North Pole. He represents the spirit of kindness and generosity, of giving out of love for people. So whether you believe in Santa or just in the Spirit of Christmas, it’s the perfect time of year to share your own kindness and generosity. Pay it forward, just like Santa would!

The Roosevelt Review hopes that the spirit these children represent fill your hearts this holiday season! Merry Christmas!!