I’ve been a part of a study of the book of Daniel recently, and this week, we were diving into some of the discussion of the prophecy parts of this book. Daniel is very visual and visceral in the descriptions: a four headed leopard with wings, a bear eating ribs, a giant statue with a head of gold, shoulders of silver, chest of bronze and legs of iron…quiet outlandish images!

But in the middle of all of those mental images, I stumbled on a verse that just jumped off the page for me:

“But the Lord our God is merciful and forgiving,
even though we have rebelled against Him and His Instructions.”
Daniel 9:9

Daniel is in the midst of prophecies about Babylon & Greece, and he realizes that the judgement that Israel is facing from these enemies is happening because God’s People did not follow God’s Law! And instead of blaming the problem on Babylon or Culture or corrupt leaders…Daniel takes ownership of the mistakes that were made! “We have sinned. We have not obeyed the Lord our God. We are getting what we deserve.”

Even in the face of slavery, pressure, and mistreatment…Daniel declares the MERCY and FORGIVENESS of our God.

Let me ask you something… “Do you talk more about the GREATNESS of our God? Or the way you have been mistreated?” I’m not trying to pick on ANYone…just a simple question. I wonder if I’m REALLY being changed into the likeness of Jesus…or I’m trying to get Jesus to change the world into a likeness of me??

Franklin used this slide in his sermon about the Transformation last weekend: “Jesus doesn’t want a bunch of followers who marvel at His deeds, but fail to follow His example! Are we one of those “followers” that SEES Jesus, HEARS of the Greatness of God, FEELS the Presence of the Holy Spirit…BUT ARE NOT CHANGED INTO HIS LIKENESS??

Take time to go back and read that passage from Daniel…and ask yourself: “Could I pray like that? Am I CHANGED by Jesus? Am I really moving in HIS direction?”

May you be TRANSFORMED this week…more into the likeness of Jesus! May you be reminded of HIS GLORY, His Mercy and His Forgiveness…and it changes you! And may we all move in the direction of Jesus!
Shalom – Peace Be Upon You