Suddenly, there was with the angel, a multitude of the heavenly host praising God, and saying, “Glory to God in the highest, and on earth peace, good will toward humankind.” – Luke 2:13-14

Christmas Dad Joke alert:
“Did you know the angel that announced the birth of Jesus had a name?” “Hark, Harold the Angel sings…”

Well he may not have been named Harold…but he told a GREAT story! And it’s been told that Charles Wesley was inspired by the ringing of the Church Bells on Christmas Morning and he said, “Hark…it is as if the angels are singing ‘Glory to God in the highest!’”

Charles Wesley wrote over 6000 hymns! His goal in writing songs was to teach the poor and illiterate SOUND theology in an easy and repeatable method! The first verse just TELLS the story!
Hark, the herald angels sing, ‘Glory to the newborn King!’
-Peace on earth, and mercy mild…God and sinners reconciled!
-Joyful, all ye nations rise…join the triumph of the skies…
-With angelic hosts proclaim, “Christ is born in Bethlehem!”

WOW! Do you realize that every time you hear these songs in the grocery store or on the elevator Muzak…you’re hearing THEOLOGY (Our thinking about God) declared in a non-church situation?!?! HALLELUJAH! Praise God for this powerful evangelistic tool!

But as we sang this song, this past weekend, I was overwhelmed by the THIRD stanza:

Hail the Heaven-born Prince of Peace, Hail the Son of Righteousness
Light and life to all He brings, Risen with healing in His Wings!
Mild, He lays His Glory by; born that man no more may die!
Born to raise the sons of earth…Born to give them (us) second birth!
Hark the herald angels sing-Glory to the newborn King

The emphasis on that 3rd line is mine…but it overwhelmed me! Jesus had ALL the Glory of Heaven…all the safety…all the power…all the protection…but He CHOSE to lay that to the side! He CHOSE to become man…to save ME!? That’s crazy…and that’s how great this season really is!

As we see all of the decorations and we buy all the gifts…I pray that we see the GIFT that Jesus gave us! He considered being in glory LESS IMPORTANT…than YOU!

The Angels were not just singing…they were DECLARING a change in mankind! This baby…He changes everything! His birth give us hope! His birth gives us a reason to keep moving!

May this newborn King affect your life…today!

Shalom & Noel – Peace and Joy to you!