Portales Municipal Schools

Student Meal Service During School Closure

Portales Municipal Schools will continue to provide meals to its students through May 22. Student meals are free of charge to all children 18 years of age and younger during the school closure. The meals will be served as “grab and go” meals. This means students and siblings may come to one of the two designated school cafeterias and pick-up a breakfast and a lunch to take home for consumption. Students do not need to go to the school they attend to receive a meal. They may go to the school site closest to their homes that are serving meals.

Meals can be picked up at one of the following school locations Monday through Friday between the hours of 9:00 a.m. and 11:00 a.m.A breakfast and lunch will be provided.

Students may not remain at the school after receiving meals. The meals will meet USDA student meal guidelines and will include a milk and/or juice.

Portales High School 201 South Knoxville Go to the east cafeteria door (located between the baseball/soccer field and cafeteria) to pick-up a lunch and breakfast.

Lindsey-Steiner Elementary 1000 North Ave. M Go to the west cafeteria door to pick-up a lunch and breakfast.

James Elementary School Beginning April 13 701 W. 18th St Go to North Multipurpose room door on the porch to pick-up a lunch and breakfast.

For More Information Please Call: Portales Municipal Schools: 575-356-7000 Food Service Director: 575-356-7028