by – Marea Smith

This week is Thanksgiving. It’s traditionally spent with family, and depending on the particulars of your life right now Thursday may be a really difficult day.
My sisters are particularly gifted at hosting family gatherings. They have an eye for beauty and are thoughtful in their planning. We, the four siblings and our families, typically spend one holiday together every year, either Thanksgiving or Christmas. But not this year.

We’ve made this a priority for two decades; but things have necessarily changed. We have children in college and children with full time jobs and I’m longing a bit for the innocence of 17 children hungry for whipped cream.

The table will look different this year and as I look into the future, the reality is that this particular table will continue to change. And I’m led to ask you to think about your table. I wonder if the changes around your table have left you with lament and longing, too?

I’d like to suggest (and am reminding myself this week) that the struggle looks different when I focus on another Table. Psalm 23:5 speaks of a table The Lord prepared for me (and for you). In the presence of my enemies (mine being change this year), The Lord sits with me and ministers to me. He takes my head in His hands and He anoints my head with oil. In fact, at His table, He fills my cup to overflowing.

I’m offered bread and wine. This simple meal is all I need. It holds the promise of peace and hope, exclusively available this side of heaven when I rest in Him (John 6:55-58).
Jesus, thank You for reconciling all things to Yourself, by making peace through Your blood (Colossians 1:20). While it looks uncertain that things at my table will be easily reconciled, I trust You and I choose to focus on Your table. Help me desire You alone, that I would sit at Your feet this week and learn from You (Luke 10:39). Amen.


New this month from Marea Smith, “He is Always with Me: 30 Devotions for Women.” This devotional is perfect for the women in your life. Order on Facebook at Me and Thee Studios.

Note:  What a great gift for the women in your life!