by Marea Smith

I  was getting ready for church this morning and it dawned on me. There are things I do in my 40s that I would NEVER have done in other decades of my life.

I was shaving my legs. Let me clarify. I was fully dressed and was shaving my knees, down to the top of my boots, and up to the bottom of my dress. Only in my 40s.

I was running late. I’d been prepping tonight’s dinner. In fact, breakfast consisted of the chunks of cheese (for said dinner) I couldn’t get through the cheese grater without grating my fingers and 1/2 a piece of leftover pumpkin bread I spied in a random zip lock baggie as I dashed out the door. Only in my 40s.

I’d only given myself 20 minutes to get ready. While I smelled great, I certainly didn’t have time to wash my hair. Only in my 40s.

Makeup today consisted of eye makeup remover to remove yesterday’s mascara and lipstick (applied while driving to church). Only in my 40s.

Only in my 40s. I’m happy with different things. I desire different things. I spend my time in different ways. I just refuse to sweat the small stuff.

Need permission to shave only the exposed sections of your legs, use dry shampoo, ignore that your kid’s bedroom looks like a tornado hit, or that your kitchen hasn’t been mopped in a month? You got it my friend!

Walk in grace. Extend grace. Choose friends who extend grace. Teach your kids to be gracious.

Father Thank You for the grace You so freely give over and over again. Help us see others with Your eyes and extend the grace You’ve modeled. Help us recognize and refuse to sweat the small stuff! Amen.

Check out: Me and Thee Studios
Marea’s Experience
Reading Recovery® national certification
former Reading Recovery® teacher
Veteran 1st grade teacher (fan of daily guided reading, writing workshop, and word work)
home schooling mother of 3: ages 19 (boy), 13 (girl), 9 (boy)
saved by grace at 8
Bible loving, praise and worship singing, church attending, growing Christian