Central Christian Church, along with AMP (youth group of CCC) celebrated We Love Portales weekend this year by volunteering all over town!

Friday, July 18, was spent doing service projects around the community, including mowing lawns, clean up of trash, and helping with yards. The youth and adults braved the heat to show their love for the community of Portales!

On Saturday, July 20 they hosted the FUN Run, served donuts to the area first responders, and provided meals to area restaurants to random community members!

This group was at Walmart, handing out gift cards for lunch at Sweetwater’s at Landall’s. Other gift cards were given out for places like Something Different Grill, McDonald’s, and El Rancho!

The people of CCC celebrated how blessed they are to be in a community in Portales, and worked hard to give back!

Central Christian Church loves Portales, and Portales LOVES them!!!