Caring for dogs in the summer heat: how to keep your canines cool and safe
By Sean Adams |

With temperatures rising, now is a good time to remind ourselves of how to best care for our four-legged friends, particularly the ones who spend a lot of time outdoors.
If you are caring for a dog, there are some important thing to remember when summer rolls around. Some are common sense, but other tips might just surprise even veteran dog owners.
Here are a few tips on how to keep your dogs comfortable when the temperature rises.

In general:
Know the signs of heatstroke. Excessive panting, ignoring commands, increased heart or breathing rates, drooling, weakness, collapse, vomiting and fever of 104 degrees Fahrenheit or higher are all signs of heat stroke. If you have concerns about heat stroke, immediately contact a veterinarian.
Don’t over-trim your dog’s fur. Long-haired or double-coated breeds can do with some trimming, but a dog’s coat actually helps protect it against heat and also guards against sunburn, insects and other irritants. Leaving an inch of hair is usually a good rule of thumb, but resist the urge to shave your dog to the skin to help keep them cool.

When at home:
Make sure the dog has proper shade. A dog house might seem like a good place to cool off, but an enclosed and unventilated space actually traps heat.
Provide fresh water at all times. Dogs dehydrate easily, so keep cool water in bowls inside, outside, and in your vehicle if traveling with your dog.
Be more cautious in humid conditions. Humidity can interfere with dogs’ ability to regulate their own temperature by panting or limited excretions through the paws.
Bring them inside more often. Be careful not to exhaust your dogs with too much exercise in hot weather, and keeping them inside as much as possible to cool off is a good idea.

When walking or traveling:
Keep the dog off of hot asphalt. You know how hot sand can be when you walk on it barefoot at the beach? Now imagine how hot black pavement can get for your dog’s feet – especially for extended walks. To avoid burning a dog’s paw pads, stay on the grass. If it’s too hot for bare feet, it’s too hot for bare paws.
Exercise early (or late). Walks and runs are best reserved for the cooler early morning or later evening. It’s also good advice for humans, obviously.
Never leave your animals alone in a parked vehicle. Most people know that cars get extremely hot while sitting in sunlight, particularly with the windows up. But there is still danger of intense heat even if the windows are cracked. If you are traveling and for some reason would need to keep your dog in the vehicle, it’s probably a better idea to leave them at home.
Travel prepared. If you’re bringing a dog on a vacation or road trip, it never hurts to have some extra water in a cooler, portable fans or doggie mats with cooling agents in case of emergency. If your car breaks down or AC suddenly conks out, both you and your dog will probably appreciate these items.

When swimming or poolside:
Do not leave pets unattended around swimming pools. Not all dogs are naturally good swimmers. Watch out for chlorine and salt. If your dog does take a dip in the pool, rinse them off afterwards to make sure their coat is clean of compounds that can further dry them out. And make sure they don’t drink water with those things in it, obviously.
What dogs don’t know:
Dogs like to run in packs, even to their own detriment. Remember that dogs will try their best to keep up with you if you’re running or biking – even when they are uncomfortably hot or thirsty.
Not all dogs know to seek out shade when outside. Don’t leave dogs outdoors unattended during intense heat.

More tips for good pet care:
A leash must be three times the length of the pet or 10 feet, whichever is longer.
No tow or logged chain or pinch, choke, or prong collars used with a tether.
A well-fitted collar and no open sores or wounds on the dog’s body.
The lead must be on a swivel and ideally a lead that has a coated cover to avoid getting tangled.
The area where the pet is kept must be kept clear of excessive feces with access to drinkable water and shade.
No more than nine consecutive hours on a leash in a day’s time.
No more than 30 minutes tied up when temperatures are lower than 32 degrees or higher than 90 degrees.