No news is good news.  That is how the saying goes, right?  We don’t think that is true.  As a matter of fact, here at The Roosevelt Review, NO NEWS is not good at all!  That means if you have an event going on, your team is playing or there is something fun going on in Roosevelt County and YOU don’t tell us……we can’t help you spread the word.

We would like to share all the news in our community.  And that does not mean just Portales news.  Dora, Elida, Floyd we want to hear from you!

All the world news you can get anywhere.  The bad news spreads like wild fire and that is the last thing we want to publish.  Enough of that already, right?  We want to spread the good news and the fun stuff that in going on or has gone on in our community.  There is so much that is good going on in our little community, lets talk about!

We up-date weekly however if you have breaking news, we can usually publish it within the hour.

So help us share!  If you are a blogger, writer or know of news we should be covering, e-mail us at