With the sun rising on Sunday morning, the area woke up to a beautiful dusting of snow. Moisture the community has desperately been needing.

Snow is a rare sight in parts of the country like Roosevelt County. With an average of 8 inches per year, Portales gets much less than the national average of 28 inches per year. So when it does snow, many do whatever they can to enjoy the winter wonderland, especially knowing that it will most likely melt off by the next day.

So while many were curled up on their couches under blankets, kids were bundling up and heading outside to have some fun.

As several children had a neighborhood snowball fight, two police officers stopped and decided to join in on the fun.

These officers were doing their daily patrol, and decided to spread some joy by playing with some local kids.

Michael Stratton posted to Facebook, “These two Portales police officers stopped and picked a snowball fight with my two youngest grandsons. They were not aware that I had 5 more grandkids on that block. Soon outnumbered 7 to 2. Grandkids thought this was the coolest thing ever. Kudos to these two officers.”

Portales is lucky to have officers who care about the community the way the PPD does. We didn’t have these officers’ names to thank them personally, so please be sure to share with them how grateful the community is for their kind gesture!