The Roosevelt County Ministerial Alliance (RCMA) is a group of local ministers, church members, non-profit groups and individuals who have come together to serve our community. These individuals care so deeply about Roosevelt County that they have made it their mission to combat poverty and assist in problems that may arise in the community. The RCMA meets once a month to pray and discuss the county.

They do things throughout the year to help the citizens of Roosevelt County, as well as host events and work with local non-profit organizations.

The RCMA hosts the upcoming Annual Community Wide Thanksgiving Service!

This is a county-wide worship service on Sunday, November 21 at 6 PM. The service will be held at Legacy Church (829 W. 18th St.) this year and everyone is invited to participate in giving thanks to God for the blessings of 2021.

Pastor Hadley Howe of Legacy Church said, “With our commitment to supporting the community, we, the Roosevelt County Ministerial Alliance, invite you to a Thanksgiving service at the Legacy Church on 18th. Street in Portales – We believe that this is a great opportunity to come together as one body and in unified efforts to bless and encourage our neighbors. This service will kick off The Red Kettle fund drive in Portales – 100% of the money donated STAYS in this community. We at Legacy are so excited to be a part of this inspiring event. Come join us at 6:00 pm November 21st.”

This event, among others such as the National Day of Prayer Event that happens yearly, is important for the community and the Ministerial Alliance is pleased to be able to host things like this for the community.

Pastor Rick Wilcher said, “The Community-wide Thanksgiving Service is a wonderful way to kick off the holiday season with your family. We always enjoy this hour of music, inspirational speakers, and prayer. The Ministerial Alliance is looking forward to this year’s Community-wide Thanksgiving Service. The focus scripture verse will be Colossians 3:15”

“And let the peace that comes from Christ rule in your hearts. For as members of one body you are called to live in peace. And always be thankful.” Colossians‬ ‭3:15‬ ‭NLT‬‬

The service will gear up the community for the biggest giving season of the year, which the RCMA believes is a time to reflect on Jesus’ birth and a time to give of what we have in preparation for the upcoming year.

The RCMA is hoping that you and your family will attend the community-wide Thanksgiving service. Brian Arnold, a member of the Roosevelt County Ministerial Alliance said, “Each year the Roosevelt County Ministerial Alliance hosts our annual Community Wide Thanksgiving , pastors from different churches in the alliance will be leading our Thanksgiving time. It is a time for us to worship together, thank the Lord for his blessings and come together as community and bless others. And so, begins our Red Kettle fund drive.”

Making a Difference

RCMA raises money during their annual Red Kettle Campaign, so they can help families in the community who are in need.

The first bell ringing will be Friday, 11/26 and continue every Friday and Saturday through December 24, 2021. The sites for the bell ringing will be at Farmers’ Market and Walmart. You can also donate on the following dates and locations:

11/26 & 11/27 – First United Methodist Church of Portales

12/03 & 12/04 – First Baptist Church of Portales

12/10 & 12/11 – Central Christian Church

12/17 & 12/18 – Floyd Baptist and Calvary Baptist

12/24 – 3rd and Kilgore Church of Christ Church and Legacy Church

The members of the ministerial alliance are hoping that you find it in your heart to share of your blessings this holiday season to help those who may need it. Every penny donated goes straight back to Roosevelt County, so your dollars are used to make the community a happier, healthier place for all!

“Father – Cause us to see that, as Your churches in this community, we desperately need one another. We cannot make a community wide impact without a unified community wide church. So, Father, we ask that You would give us the grace to close every breach caused by selfishness, competition, jealousy, division denominationalism, doctrinal obsession or any other sin of your church. Make this community shine with your light which can not be hidden. Amen”

Prayer by Mary Lou Rowley