Unity and Health in Our Spirit and Soul


Is that degree of wholeness achievable?  Yes, however it will take us being very diligent and intentional about seeking the Lord and yielding to what He says and how He believes; in order to get there.  So if it is possible why do I care?  Good question.  When Adam and his wife were in the garden on the end of the sixth day of creation God said all was “Very Good”, Gen. 1:31.  The scripture tells us that Adam and his wife were there with God and though their physical bodies were not clothed they were not ashamed, Gen. 2:25.  There was nothing between their spirits and God’s so they had perfect communion with Him.  They were also in perfect alignment in their own being with their spirit in the lead, their soul in the second and supporting position and their bodies were third in line if you will; both in importance and degree of strength.  

It wasn’t until Adam let his wife take the lead and he followed that we see there was a problem that entered their lives. You will also see that Adam was present when the whole interchange occurred, Gen. 3:1-6.  

We all know what happened with the serpent tricking her and then God had to discipline them.  They then discovered that their spirits and souls were darkened and damaged respectively, by the sin which God had warned Adam would happen if they ate from the Tree of the Knowledge of Good and Evil, Gen. 2:16-17.

 As you may or may not know the Old Testament is a type and shadow to teach us spiritual truths based out of the physical experiences of those that lived in those years.  So, as we apply that thought to what happened with Adam and his wife we see a type and shadow of ourselves in the persons of Adam and his wife and their union of being made one.  If we see Adam as a type of our spirit and his wife as our soul we see how problematic it is for us to let our soul lead when it is our spirit that should be out in front.

Nothing flows properly and we will continually be getting into bad spots while our soul is leading and not our spirit.  It is compounded when our soul, that is not equipped by God’s design to lead, is also wounded and damaged by the effects of sin and only partially redeemed as a result of our salvation experience, i.e. still carnal and not mature, I Cor. 3:1-3.

 The rest of our lives, once we accept Jesus as our Lord and Savior, are spent in the sanctification process that should include both; every human part of our soul and every human part of our spirit up to the point that I Thess. 5:23 speaks of, that we would in the wholeness of our beings be found blameless at the coming of our Lord Jesus Christ.

Wow, that is a lot to ponder and study for now. We have established that, unity and complete health within the entirety of our being (spirit, soul, and body) are possible and have set the foundation of where we can see that in scripture.  So far, we are off to a good start.  As you study and look into these things feel free to contact me on facebook at Victoria Richard Derrer via messenger and I will be happy to explain anything that is not clear from what was presented here. We are called to be like the Bereans (Acts 17:11) and search the scriptures and to study to show ourselves approved (2 Tim. 2:15).  

Blessings as you dig into these things.  Next time we will continue to look more into how do we get our spirits healthy and strong so that they can lead and then minister to our souls out of their connection with Holy Spirit.  

**Written by Victoria Derrer