Heart //

What in the world does it mean to daily take up our cross and to lose our life for Him?

What does it mean to forfeit our very selves?

In today’s time and culture, how do we know if we’re being a true disciple?

These are important questions, and if we’re asking them honestly, then we’re on the right path!

One of the very first steps in learning to spend ourselves is to be open to asking difficult questions.

Every culture has its idols, which are the most common things that distract and take the place of God in people’s hearts. In our culture, one idol we must face if we want to consider “denying ourselves” is the need for more.

In our effort as a society to achieve success (popularity and wealth), most of us own more than our fair share of stuff. We’ve all heard stories of rich and famous people who are very unhappy, but somehow most of us keep reaching for that same “success” anyway!

Even though Jesus talked so much about money and materialism in the Scriptures we read, many Christians never realize that this is an idol in our culture. We want more, but our hearts may truly need less.

If we start by letting go of this idol, we will go a long way toward following Jesus into a life that contributes to His Kingdom. As you watch this short video from Francis Chan, think about the reason that sacrificial giving is one of the most important things to learn as we spend ourselves.

Work //

Watch This Francis Chan video about generosity.


Think about what God has blessed you with and ask Him how He would like you to use those blessings to be a blessing.

Today, choose one thing to give away to someone who needs it more than you do. Let this be a practical sign telling God that you want what He desires for your life.

As you take cold showers this week, let go of the comfort of warm water, pray for those who do not have warm showers, showers at all, or even clean water to drink.